Launched in 2003 after successful tests.It is elaborately developed by professsor Frese at the Biological Center of Los Angeles Heales Health Bureau, USA with his eight years of internsive studies. Weili s currently the most popular men's health product in the market and was applied for a patent in 2003 . Compared with Viagra. It has the advantages of less adverse effects,quicker effecting and long duration of its potency etc.
Weili is able to activate the growth factor of adrenal PDA dilute and replenish semen,theus bringing multiple injection sand multiple climaxes; it can also generate and replenish semen quickly after the intercourse thus avoiding fatigueand damage to kidney resulted from lack of semen; its potency lasts as long as 120hr.
主要成分: 藏紅花,冬蟲夏草,雪蓮花,雪鹿鞭,藏犛牛睾丸,海馬等
功能效果: 促進陰莖快速增長增粗、增大、能有效解決性愛短暫,防止早洩、延長性愛時間。而且能在人體內留存120小時
商品品牌: 香港天龍
商品規格: 2000mg x 10粒 x 6小盒